Lesson 8: Background Properties
If you have decided to use a URL as a background, you can "fix" the background to stay stationary, while the text, links, etc. scroll over the background.
The body tag should look like this:
If you have any questions, feel free to comment.
Note: This code does not seem to work well with Firefox (I always suggest against the use of Firefox due to security issues, but this is one more reason).
The body tag should look like this:
If you have any questions, feel free to comment.
Note: This code does not seem to work well with Firefox (I always suggest against the use of Firefox due to security issues, but this is one more reason).
cool of you to offer this info.
np :)
stick around it gets better...
I always suggest against the use of Firefox due to security issues
What browser, then, do you recommend? And what specific security issues do you know of in Firefox?
Internet Explorer has its fair share of security issues as well.
I agree with Carrie. I've been looking for a site like this. Here's a question: I use Blogger, if I want to use a photo background for just one section, is it possible to have a separate background and link to a flickr URL?
Sure, if you do it in a table (getting to that lesson), you could make a background for the table and a seperate background for the actual page.
I am not even going to pretend to act like I know what the security issue is. I was very unpleased with Firepooch. But, I do know this; in my little team we have the computer junkies, the internet junkies, and the graphic junkies.
The computer junkies (college dudes) seem to all agree that we will not use Firepooch due it's "lack of security features" as they put it. The internet junkies seem to agree that Firepooch just really isn't that superior to IE if you know what you are doing with IE to begin with (i.e. customizing IE much like you would Firefox). Therefore, we never changed ANY of our -so called flawed- scripts to suit them. The graphics junkies say that some of the images they made look like crap in Firepooch. To all of them I said, agreed. It's easier to move foward with designs than stepping back to try to re-design scripting to entertain Firepooch's idea to speak another internet language, as it were.
Thanks to both for commenting...
Here is a link to Mozilla, also. It contains some of the vulnerabilities with Mozilla products (including Firefox) that you may find usefull if using The Pooch.
Happy Netting!
In terms of security, I'd venture to say that IE and Firefox are probably on about the same footing at this point, thanks in large part to XP Service Pack 2.
You are right to focus your efforts on IE given the overwhelming market share it enjoys. Firefox, nonetheless, is gaining plenty of that market share. No doubt you have many people visiting your site (and those of your readers) through Firefox or some other Gecko-based browser. Just something to bear in mind.
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